Saturday, October 22, 2011

I asked God to show me his love,

I asked God to show me his love, and so he gave me a baby. As I held my new precious bundle in my arms, so full of love i could burst, God said to me
"The love you have for your child, those feelings you feel right now....that's how i feel for you, only i feel it a billion times more."

one of the closest things we get to understanding how much God loves us is by loving our own children. you see, we are God's children, crafted by his own hand. He loves us so much that he sent his own Son to die for us, wich the Son out of his own great love for us did so willingly with great joy! How many of us would gladly lay our lives down for our children? and God feels that a billion times more for each and every one of us. The only thing He asks for in return is that we love him back.

John 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command." God wants our obedience not out of spite or force, but out of love, just as we want our children to obey not because we want to be the "boss" but because we don't want to see them get hurt or into trouble that following the rules can keep them out of.

today, when you go about your day remember that you are loved by an amazing creator that loves you billions of times more than you love your own children. ♥